The Lush company is offering financial support to researchers working on alternatives to using animals in medical research. See https://lushprize.org. It is open to researchers from anywhere in the world.
The National Health and Medical Research Council is the main funding body in Australia for medical research. While it has been slow to fund alternatives to using animals it is making up for lost time. In 2018, 1046 grants were given out totally $793.3 million. The majority do not involve animals. There are many in epidemiology (e.g. child health, infectious diseases), in genomics and biotechnology, clinical human studies (tick bites. Three million was recently awarded to study the consequences). There are calls for proposals in nutrition and healthy aging in Aboriginal and Torres Strati Islander communities. See www.nhmrc-gov.au for all the details on which grants were successful, what the recipients received and how to apply. There are also more statements on the web-site about animal ethics than before. However the oversight is handed over to Animal Ethics Committees rather than being dealt with as part of the grant process which would be desirable at least on the issue of replacement.
The Medical Advances Without Animals Trust (MAWA) offers Doctoral Research Scholarships and other financial assistance to researchers pursuing alternatives to animal studies. It is the main funding body in this area in Australia after NHMRC. http://www.mawa-trust.org.au/ info@mawa-trust.org.au
The following organisations will lend educational resource material:
**Humane Research Australia Inc.* 200 Alexandra Parade, Fitzroy, Vic. 3106. info@humaneresearch.org.au http://www.humaneresearch.org.au
InterNICHE (international Network for Humane Education) Loan Program 19 Brookhouse Avenue, Leicester LE2 OJE, UK
Altweb ‘the global clearinghouse for information on alternatives to animal testing’. http:altweb.jhsph.edu/resources
EURCA ‘European resource centre for alternatives in higher education’ http://www.eurca.org
Animal Ethics Infolink http://www.animalethics.org.au/education-and-training/alternatives-to-animal-use.